- Description
- Caracteristiques
- Ingrédients
- Marque
Amix Perfomance Reco-Pro, is an ultra concentrated post-training, designed by a team of scientists and experts using in its formulation the latest technologies and raw materials of maximum quality, to provide an optimal and effective recovery, to you who are a demanding and dedicated athlete.
Amix Perfomance Reco-Pro, is an ultra concentrated post-training, designed by a team of scientists and experts using in its formulation the latest technologies and raw materials of the highest quality, to provide an optimal and effective recovery, to you who are a demanding and dedicated athlete, you will eliminate the lactic acid you may have generated during training and regenerate muscle fibers damaged during intensity training, as well as rehydrate your body as you need to replenish what was eliminated by sweating.
Reco-Pro consists of:
Reco-Pro, is presented in carbohydrate complex powder (waxy corn starch, maltodextrin, palatinose, kre-alkalyn), CFM protein, BCAA Instant 2:1:1, Creatine Matrix 2:1:1, Glutamine Matrix 1:1, PhosphoMatrix, UltraGrad Golden Flaxseed oil.
Amilopectin is a complex carbohydrate derived from food formed by units of glucose, high molecular weight, low osmolarity and passes quickly through the stomach, is digested quickly. It provides energy for easy digestion and rapid availability, maintains blood glucose reserve levels, delaying the onset of fatigue, preventing hypoglycemia and providing greater performance. Iso-lyte includes amylopectin so that in the practice of your resistance sports activity it favours your recovery, both in the muscular tissues and in the glycogen deposits.
Maltodextrin obtained from corn starch, generating a carbohydrate of easy dissolution, rapid assimilation and digestion. It is pure carbohydrate with a high glycaemic index, it does not contain fat or protein, it provides the necessary energy for physical activity of strength and/or resistance of intensity and prolonged, since the glucose in blood is released gradually and with it the sensation of fatigue and muscular catabolism is delayed.
Palatinose carbohydrate low glycemic index that provides sustained energy for a long period of time in the form of glucose, does not cause stomach discomfort, is thermostable, promotes a strong and healthy body.
Kre-alkalyn is a creatine with a pH higher than 12, remains stable and the muscle cells receive it intact, increases strength and energy, improves muscle performance, prevents the accumulation of lactic acid, increases muscle regeneration.
The CFM protein, a patented protein of great purity, which regenerates the muscular system, nourishing it and recovering it. It is a microfiltered protein by cross flow, perfect for muscle development and recovery, contains l-glutamine and digestive enzymes and free of aspartame.
BCAA in ratio 2:1:1 of Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine, essential amino acids of branched chain leucine is ratio 2, because it is the amino acid of relevance in the function of stimulating muscle development by facilitating the synthesis of protein and other amino acids of relevance in muscle building. Isoleucine and valine have the function of helping metabolize leucine for optimal effectiveness. The BCAAs are essential to avoid injuries of the tissue in the training, to maintain the lean corporal mass, and to conserve the reserves of glycogen, they are not metabolized in the stomach, but they do it directly in the muscular tissue, reconstructing it and avoiding the muscular catabolism, they are essential for the lean muscular growth and to arrive at an extreme volume level.
Creatlne Matrix 2:1:1 composed of top quality creatines kre-alkalyn, creatine monohidrate, Creatine magna power, in order to repair and regenerate muscle fibers at maximum speed.
Glutamine Matrix 1:1, glutamine is the most important amino acid for muscle recovery, as it is present in all muscle fibers, during exercise a large amount of glutamine is released and needs urgent replacement. Glutamine Matrix is composed of the best glutamines on the market Ajinomoto and Kyowa, are of maximum micronized purity of pharmaceutical quality.
PhosphoMatrix, during sports activity occurs through sweating and muscle contraction a demand for electrolytes, which translates into a need for the body to hydrate. PhosphoMatrix is a special blend of minerals that provides the necessary nutrients for blood circulation and combats dehydration.
UltraGrad Golden FlaxSeed Oil: provides omega-3 fatty acid, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system and strengthens the heart contraction and immune system. Omega 3 is a long chain essential fatty acid that provides multiple health benefits, in particular for
- Reference8594159537644
500 gr , 1 Kg
500 gr , 1000 gr
Complexe de protéines AmixTM Reco-Pro (concentré de protéines de lactosérum /, CFM - Microfiltré à flux croisés / Lait / Isolat de protéines de lactosérum,
Acides aminés dérivés de l'isolat de protéines de bœuf, lactosérum / hydrolysat de protéines de lait / Contient des traces de SO2),
Palatinose (isomaltulose),
Kre-Alcalyne 2000 mg,
Huile de graines de lin dorées UltraGrad / avec huile de poisson / 1500 mg,
Créatine Monohydrate 1000 mg,
Creatine Magna Power - Créatine bisglycinate de magnésium 1000 mg,
poudre de cacao à l'arôme chocolat),
stabilisant : hydrolysat de collagène ;
Epaississants : gomme de xanthane et de guar ;
L-Glutamine 500 mg,
L-Glutamine Alpha-Ketoglutarate 500 mg,
Phosphate dipotassique,
L-Isoleucine 250 mg, L-Valine 250 mg,
émulsifiant : lécithine de soja ;
Arôme, acide ascorbique (vit. C),
édulcorants : sucralose et acésulfame-K ;
Colorant : extrait de betterave (arôme baies),
curcumine (arôme vanille et yaourt).