Cologne fraîche classique 600 ml
Cologne fraîche classique 600 ml


S3 Cologne fraîche classique 600 ml

  • 600 ml En rupture de stock Prévenez-moi

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Nous utilisons ce produit depuis de longues années.

I have purchased on many occasions when visiting Spain, but had no visit planned and had run out of stock. Very pleased with the service received.

I love this cologne, a fresh smell and presumably a high alcohol content like Turkish Kolonya so I use frequently to sanitise my hands. Great to use straight out of the bath or shower as a substitute for deodorant as it has antibacterial properties. I feel fresh all day.

Una de las colonias de siempre

I Love this cologne ,so fresh and beautiful scent.I will buy it again when this one is finished.

This smells gorgeous. Reminds me of holidays. I splash it all over me after a shower. The smell doesn’t last a long time strongly but you can definitely smell it faintly on your skin hours later. Its is a cologne splash product and not designed to be a perfume so this is exactly what I would expect and I just splash a bit more on later in the day if I want a boost of fragrance. Love it

Love this site so so much

Un prodotto che uso da molti anni come dopo bagno energizzante. Mi piacerebbe ci fosse anche quello al limone.

Cologne fraîche classique 600 ml

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